Objectives of the Farmer Guarantee seal
Offer support, information and training to partner farmers to help improve their milk production.
Support family farms to achieve the highest profitability of their operations and their sustainability over time, through information and advice for making business decisions.
Apoyar a las ganaderías familiares para alcanzar la máxima rentabilidad y su sostenimiento en el tiempo, mediante información y asesoramiento en la toma de decisiones empresariales.
Animal welfare
Contribute to animal welfare by fighting livestock diseases, good nutrition, reproductive control, etc.
Work/life balance
Address farmers’ social needs and improve the balance of their work and family life
Environmental care
Promote farming activity that is compatible with environmental protection and the conservation of the natural environment in which it takes place.
Comprehensive support
Farmer Guarantee Services

Sustainability and farmers’ quality of life
Central Lechera Asturiana is committed to collecting all milk production from its partner farmers, paying them the highest average price compared to the average price in Spain.

Partner farmers have free collective insurance, which means more help in their activities by reducing the costs of their livestock farms.

The Livestock Farm Management Board provides support to farmers with business and decision-making advice.

All partner farmers can obtain scholarships for their children’s studies, providing financial support and helping to professionalise livestock farms by applying the acquired knowledge.

Due to the daily work and effort involved in the farmers’ activity, Central Lechera Asturiana offers a relief service to replace them and provide support so that they can rest or cover unforeseen events in order to balance their activity with their personal life.

Central Lechera Asturiana distributes the company’s profits among partner farmers in a manner proportional to the shares they hold, helping them to maintain sustainable farming operations.

Livestock care and milk quality control
Offering farmers personalised advice on livestock nutrition.

Service to farmers for implementing a health programme aimed at fighting the diseases of their cows provided for in the legislation. The farmers thus become the highest guarantors of the herd’s health.

Aimed at guaranteeing animal welfare, Central Lechera Asturiana offers a preventive service for the caring for cows’ hooves that also prevents disease.

A team of veterinarians control cattle reproduction and fertility if the farmer requests it..

Central Lechera Asturiana helps to improve milk quality parameters through checks of facilities and equipment and periodically analyses the milk produced on farms.

It manages the purchase of cold tanks to give them free of charge to farming partners, also providing them with a free maintenance and repair service.

Environmental protection and caring for nature
This service offers advice to farmers about reducing electricity consumption in their farming operations, with the consequent energy savings and reduced environmental impact.

With the aim of reducing pollution and its impact on the environment, Central Lechera Asturiana works to optimise collection routes in order to collect the maximum volume of milk by taking the shortest possible route.

The seal that identifies sustainable livestock
The FARMER GUARANTEE seal has strengthened Central Lechera Asturiana’s commitment to natural nutrition, the comfort of cattle and sustainable family farms since 2018.
It is a quality seal endorsed by the SGS “Agricultural Services and Family Farming Support Management” certification, although a cooperative work method is formalised that Central Lechera Asturiana has developed and perfected, with a range of free services for farmers.

The Farmer Guarantee contributes to caring for the environment. Because Central Lechera Asturiana knows that livestock farming activity helps to establish population in rural areas, avoiding the emigration of young people and depopulation. And so it is easier to take care of the natural environment in which Central Lechera Asturiana carries out its work every day.