Calcium-rich milk

Semi-skimmed calcium-rich milk

Semi-skimmed milk rich in calcium

  • ico_recicla_amarillo


The semi-skimmed milk rich in calcium from Central Lechera Asturiana naturally provides the calcium that your bones need daily to be strong and healthy. It’s the perfect alternative for those who care about their health, but don’t want to give up the best taste. Also, the extra calcium content of Central Lechera Asturiana’s milk is achieved in a completely natural way, without adding artificial ingredients to the product. That’s why it tastes so much better.

We all know that drinking calcium-enriched milk is an easy and flavoursome way to get that extra supply of calcium that we sometimes need, but how do you get milk with a higher concentration of calcium than traditional milk?

There are three ways to obtain calcium-enriched milk:

  1. Adding calcium salts (calcium phosphate, calcium lactate, calcium citrate or calcium carbonate). In this case, it’s usual to add a stabiliser so that the product remains in perfect condition and doesn’t settle at the bottom of the container.
  2. Another way is to add dairy ingredients such as milk protein powder or milk powder. When adding these powdered ingredients, stabilisers also have to be added so that the artificially added calcium is stable over time.
  3. Through a natural process of milk filtering. Milk naturally contains calcium bound to protein. The natural proteins of the milk and the calcium are retained using a simple filtration process, thus increasing its concentration simply and naturally. Nothing is added here, since the calcium is the same as that of freshly milked milk and no powdered ingredient is added.

This is Central Lechera Asturiana’s way of obtaining Central Lechera Asturiana’s milk rich in calcium.

How to distinguish them

Make sure it’s a milk rich in calcium (160 mg/100 ml) by checking the nutritional information. If you see nothing but milk in the list of components, with no other ingredients such as milk proteins or calcium salts, then the milk is naturally rich in calcium and has been made through the filtering process.

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Ingredients: semi-skimmed cow’s milk with vitamin D AND NOTHING ELSE.


117.5 kcal
491.6 kJ
5.9 %
12.0 g
13.3 %
3.9 g
5.5 %
Saturated fats
2.5 g
13.1 %
0.4 g
7.3 %
Reference intake of an average adult (8400 kJ / 2000 kcal)

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