From the origin
The only 100% natural dairy brand
Central Lechera Asturiana has been defending its natural origin for more than 50 years: Its farmers, its cows, its Asturias fields and nature itself. And in 2017, Central Lechera Asturiana reinvented its essence with the commitment to offer only natural products, with no artificial additives, preservatives or stabilisers.
Since then, it has been the only dairy brand with 100% of its catalogue containing 100% natural products, free from artificial additives.

No artificial additives
Committed to people health
In nature, the best milk is obtained to make healthy dairy foods, without adding anything that alters its quality or flavour. Because if the natural origin of what we eat is respected, we will all have a better diet and better quality of life.
Ninety-nine percent of the entire product catalogue contains only natural ingredients and Central Lechera Asturiana offers a 100% natural alternative for that remaining 1% which, due to its composition and functionality, Central Lechera Asturiana has not yet been able to adapt it to this commitment.
Every day, Central Lechera Asturiana continues working to achieve its purpose in each and every one of its products.

Sustainable Dairy Products
Only Spanish and sustainable milk
Nuestra leche, batidos, mantequilla tradicional, nata líquida o nuestros yogures están elaborados sólo con leche 100% española, procedente de las ganaderías familiares socias de nuestra cooperativa. Son Productos Lácteos Sostenibles (PLS), un sello de calidad y un compromiso de la industria láctea de colaborar con el sector lácteo español para garantizar una retribución de la leche que garantice su sostenibilidad económica a largo plazo.

Innovation at the service of nature
New 100% natural launches
Since the launch of its Natural Commitment, Central Lechera Asturiana has only launched new products with no artificial additives. Its Innovation and Nutrition departments test each new product to improve its nutritional profile.
This is how Central Lechera Asturiana has developed the first coffee capsules with milk and milk without E-s, 100% natural Lacasitos and Conguitos milkshakes with no added sugar, functional milk drinks enriched with fibre and with calcium; its Supreme milk, enriched with calcium, vitamin D and protein, etc. and all with no artificial additives. Because all-natural tastes much better.

Central Lechera Asturiana products do not need artificial additives to be more products
Central Lechera Asturiana products do not need artificial additives to be more products

Find out about them and take care of yourself
Additives and their role
Artificial food additives are substances that are added to food during preparation or packaging to extend its preservation, improve its flavour, colour or texture. They can appear with the code (E-407, for example) that identifies them or with their name (carrageenan).

No. Artificial additives are those named according to an international code that identifies them on food labels, consisting of a letter and a series of numbers. There are other natural substances that can add flavour, enrich the nutritional profile or improve the texture of food. Central Lechera Asturiana’s Fibra Natural milk drink is a semi-skimmed milk with natural fibre extracted from vegetables such as corn and chicory. And nothing else!